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What is QHHT?
The main goal with QHHT is to help my clients improve and transform themselves with the knowledge they already hold within. In a QHHT session, you are taken into a trance that you go into naturally 2 times a day, right before falling asleep and right when you wake up.
While in this state, we are contacting and communicating with a part of you that is always present. However, it exist just below the surface of our conscious mind. When we can tune in to your divine, Your Higher Self can then show you many different things that you need to see. We can get answers to your life questions, and healing for the mind, body and soul while in this state.
Dolores Cannon’s method of hypnosis, Quantum Healing Hypnosis Techniqueâ„ (QHHT®), is a consciousness exploration. QHHT is a powerful tool to help bridge the gap to access the all knowing part of ourselves. It is a divine healing method that can be used with anyone, regardless of your gender, personality, physical symptoms, religious beliefs, or cultural background.
Nothing is beyond the realm of possibility. There are no limitations, except the limits of your own imagination.
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